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Botox injections improve appearance by relaxing muscles

Anti Wrinkle

Do you look in the mirror and feel that the lines around your eyes, on your forehead, seem to get more noticeable every day? Treat the Cause, Not the Symptoms Every time we smile, frown or squint, we’re using facial muscles under the skin to form expressions.

Over time, these repetitive movements cause wrinkles and lines on our faces, usually under and around the eyes, between the eyebrows, on the forehead, around the lips, and that unattractive deep furrow between the nose and mouth. There are two main types of anti-wrinkle injections – muscle relaxing, and dermal fillers.

Muscle Relaxing Injections

Muscle relaxing injections treat the cause of the problem – actually relaxing the muscles that form the unflattering wrinkles and lines on our faces, wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead. Muscle relaxing injections can also be used to improve the neck, lift the brow, as a treatment to reduce excessive under-arm perspiration, and now they have been shown to be effective for the relief of migraine.

For optimum muscle relaxing effects, a series of tiny injections are given to the desired location, and such a small amount of substance is used that swelling and bruising is at worst very slight, and for most people non-existent.

You will see the full, age-defying effect within two weeks, and your skin will look softer and lines seem less apparent.

Price: Botox Price for Axillary Sweating SAR 2500

Price: Botox cost for one area SAR 600 and Full face SAR 2200

Botox Anti-Wrinkle Injections