Royal PakSaudi Clinics


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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP is a derivative of Platelet Rich Plasma.
stop hair fall and regrowth of hair from roots.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP is a derivative of Platelet Rich Plasma. It is prepared by taking small amount of your own blood and centrifuged in a machine to isolate PRP. Then PRP is mixed with activator and multivitamins and injected into the hair roots. It makes hair stronger, stop hair hair fall and regrowth of hair from roots.

PRP is also used for face skin and pigmentation and may be combined with microdermabrasion and LASER to make skin brighter looking and treat the dark spots and pigmentation on face. Cost is SAR 600 for one session.


Price: is SAR 600 for one session
