Suture Face Lift
Facial skin is gently lifted, makes face as a fresher and younger look.
Suture Face Lift
You may not be aware of the 21st Century option – the Suture Face Lift. This is absolutely NOT to be confused with the ineffective ‘thread lifting’ that was popular a few years ago. The amazing thing about the Suture Lift is it takes only minutes to perform for each area. The best part is, because facial skin is gently lifted, makes face as a fresher and younger look. The result is subtle, there’s virtually no scarring, day case procedure, and far less recovery time than with a traditional face lift.
What Happens During the Suture Lift Procedure?
It is local anesthetic procedure. Tiny punctures are made where each suture will be placed, and a special patented antimicrobial suture is passed under the skin tightening the SMAS layer in face and platysma muscle in the neck. The lifted facial tissues are secured to stable structures to make the lift permanent (5-6 yrs). The structures get loose/lax again after 5-6 years due to ageing process and effect of gravity.
Will I Feel Different Afterwards?
The Suture Lift last for almost the same time as surgical face lift approximately five to six years depending upon the age at the time of lift. As this elegant procedure is virtually scar-less, the appearance is much more youthful and refreshed. The reason this procedure has become popular is that overall result is much more subtle and natural. No more ‘wind tunnel’ faces!






The individual areas suitable for suture technique:
- Mid-face
- Lower Face
- Neck Lift
- Eye Brow Lift
- Chin Augmentation
- Cheek Augmentation
- Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping)
- Thigh Lift
- Breast Lift
- Abdomen
- Buttock Lift
- Inverted Breast Nipple Correction

Can the Suture Brow Lift be done at the same time as another procedure?
Price: SR 6000 for each area (midface, lower face, neck). SR 25000 for full face lift.
Price:Eye brow lift SR 6000, Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping) SR 8000